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The program 

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8 may

Address: Pontifical Biblical Institute (Aula Magna)

- Piazza della Pilotta, 35, Rome 

17:30-17:45 Welcome 

Peter Dubovský, Rector of the Pontifical Biblical Institute 


17:45-18:15 Keynote address  Agustinus Gianto, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

On motion and posture verbs in the Hebrew of Jonah 

18:15-18:35 Paola Mollo, Pontifical Biblical Institute/Sapienza University 

Semantics and syntax of yšb (“to sit”) in Biblical Hebrew


18:35:18:45 Q&A  

9 may

Address: Pontifical Biblical Institute (Aula Magna)

- Piazza della Pilotta, 35, Rome

9:00-9:10 Introduction to 1st day 

Session 1: Hebrew and Aramaic  

Chair: Paola Mollo, Pontifical Biblical Institute/Sapienza University 

9:10-9:30 Lucie Perez, Copenhagen University 

Going Up to Jerusalem: Linguistic Variation in the Light of Motion Verb Complements in Manuscripts of Isaiah.

9:30-9:50 Luigi Santopaolo, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

Journeying Through the Heavens: Celestial Motion in Aramaic Apocalyptic Literature 

9:50-10:10 Q&A  


Coffee break  


Session 2: ANE and Biblical Languages (I) 

Chair: Anthony P. SooHoo, Pontifical Biblical Institute 

10:40-11:00 Mark Avila, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

Mesopotamians in Motion: gestural language in Sumerian and Akkadian texts 

11:00-11:20 Peter Dubovský, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

Starting a military campaign: A study of the verbs of motion in Sargon II’s inscriptions 

11:20-11:40  Rita Francia, Sapienza University 

                     Matteo Vigo, Sapienza University 

Focusing on some ritual actions in Hittite magic rituals and Festrituale 

11:40-12:00 Alessio Agostini, Sapienza University 

Motion and posture in the ancient South Arabian ritual setting and related ceremonies  

12:00-12:30 Q&A  


Lunch break 


Session 3: ANE and Biblical Languages (II) 

Chair: Benedetta Rossi, Pontifical Biblical Institute


15:00-15:20 Gian Pietro Basello, Orientale, Naples 

Motion and Posture Verbs in Context: The Elamite Evidence 

15:20-15:40 Liana Tronci, University of Foreigners, Siena 

Motion verbs in motion: Insights from Biblical translations in Greek and Latin   

15:40-16:00 Craig E. Morrison, Pontifical Biblical Institute 

Was David’s Movement toward Absalom in 2 Sam 13:39 hostile or friendly? 

16:00-16:30 Q&A  


Coffee break  


Session 4: Examples from Biblical literature 

Chair: Henry Pattarumadathil, Pontifical Biblical Institute 

17:00-17:20 Michael F. Kolarcik, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

The Communicative Power of Posture in the Wisdom of Solomon (Wis 5:1) 

17:20-17:40 Daniele Tripaldi, University of Bologna 

One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand: Re-Describing the Collapse of the Seer—From Emotional ‘Backlash’ to Identity Transformation (Rev 1,17-18)

17:40-18:00 Juan Manuel Granados Rojas, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

Motion and Posture in Romans 6: βαπτίζω and ἐπιμένω 

18:00-18:30 Q&A  

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10 may

Address: University La Sapienza (Aula di Archeologia) - Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, Rome


9:00-9:10 Introduction to 2nd day  


Session 5: Biblical translations (I)  

Chair: Alessandro Saggioro, Sapienza University

9:10-9:30 Daniela Scialabba, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

The term ἐπιστρέφω in the LXX and NT: how an everyday-use motion verb expresses a theological concept  

9:30-09:50 Agostino Soldati, Sapienza University 

“...the sense of priority being lost”? On the uses of φθάνειν in Greek OT and NT 

9:50-10:10 Claudio Balzaretti, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

The Gesture of Prayer: from Hebrew to Syriac 

10:10-10:40 Q&A 


Coffee break 


Session 6: Biblical translations (II)  

Chair: Alessandro Saggioro, Sapienza University

11:10-11:30 Philip Burton, University of Birmingham  

Biblical Translation and the Invention of Intuition 

11:30-11:50 Alfio Giuseppe Catalano, Pontifical Biblical Institute  

‘Moving’ the hands: the verb ῥαπίζω-expalmo, ‘I slap’, in the Vetus Latina between Africa and Europe 

11:50-12:10 Nathalie Bosson, University of Genève 

“Sans me bouger, je cours”. Jonah in motion 

12:10-12:40 Q&A 


Lunch break 


Session 7: Jewish and Christian exegesis (I)  

Chair: Alberto Camplani, Sapienza University 

15:00-15:20 David Meyer, Gregorian University, Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies 

A small motion for man, a giant theological leap for God  

15:20-15:40 Massimo Gargiulo, Gregorian University, Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies 

Moving toward hospitality in Homer and Philo

15:40-16:00 Vasile Babota, Gregorian University 

The High Priest’s ‘Entering’ of the Holy of Holies in Leviticus 16 and Some Interpretations 

16:00-16:30 Q&A 


Coffee break 


Session 8: Jewish and Christian exegesis (II)  

Chair: Alberto Camplani, Sapienza University  

17:00-17:20 Valentina Marchetto, Sapienza University 

«Si ‘stabant’ ‘volare’ non poterant» (Orig. HIs I 2). On the Motion of the Seraphim in Origen’s exegesis.

17:20-17:40 Claudio Zamagni, Sapienza University 

Posture in early Greek Christian texts (I-II century) 

17:40-18:00 Emanuela Prinzivalli, Sapienza University 

Motion and posture in the Commentary on Psalms of Didymus the Blind.

18:00-18:40 Q&A and Conclusion 

Pontifical Biblical Institute
Piazza della Pilotta, 35, Roma RM
La Sapienza university
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Roma RM
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